Confidentiality and privacy relating to your visit and your health records
Access and review your health records through our Privacy Officer
Understand medical treatment relating to the diagnosis, prognosis and risks of treatment associated with the conditions affecting your health
Seek a second opinion
Refuse or discontinue a treatment, service or support
Respect for your personally held values and beliefs
Expect a high quality of care by health professionals employed by FHC
Expect to receive service in a safe and secure environment
Be informed of any fees (if fees are charged for service) and schedule before service is started
Client Responsibilities
As a client, you have the responsibility to:
Arrive for scheduled appointments and programs on time
Cancel or call ahead if you cannot attend your appointment or program
Treat all staff, volunteers and other clients with respect
Ask questions about your health care and treatment
Inform your health care provider of any changes in your health status
Inform us of any changes to your contact information
Follow the treatment plan developed by you and your health care team
If you think we have violated your rights, please contact our Management Team,
or you can contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario: (416) 326-3333